Implement stack using Linked List in java data structure and algorithm in data structure and algorithm
GIAN Tutorials
1:35 AM
Implement stack using Linked List in java data structure and algorithm in data structure and algorithm The stack is an abstract data type that demonstrates Last in first out (LIFO) behavior. We will implement the same behavior using Linked List. There are two most important operations of Stack: Push: We will push elements to the beginning of the linked list to demonstrate the push behavior of the stack. Pop: We will remove the first element of linked list to demonstrate the pop behavior of Stack. Java Program: Let's create a java program to create a stack using Linked List. package org.arpit.java2blog; public class LinkedListStack { private Node head; // the first node // nest class to define linkedlist node private class Node { int value; Node next; } public LinkedListStack() { head = null; } // Remove value from the beginning of the list for demonstrating behaviour of stack public int pop() throws LinkedListEmptyException { if (head ...