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Showing posts with label Timer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Timer. Show all posts

Java Timer example

8:58 AM
Timer is an utility class which can be used to schedule tasks on specific time or repeatedly. Lets say, you are developing an banking application and there is need to process the data at 7 PM evening daily. You can easily schedule task using Timer class. For creating a task, you need to extends  TimerTask  and  Timer  can be used to set time for the task. TimerTask  : It is task which will be executed at specific time. Timer  : It is utility class which is used to set time for the task. Timer class is thread safe , so multiple threads can share one timer object. Timer class internally uses java.util.TaskQueue to manage task internally. Only one thread can execute timer task at a time. For example: You are executing task in every 5 secs but actual execution itself is taking 10 seconds, then subsequent task will be added to queue and as soon as current execution completes, it will notify and another thread will start executing the ta...
