What is Autoboxing, Enum, Generics, Varargs methods in Java 5 Features Quick Overview
GIAN Tutorials
2:57 AM
What is Autoboxing , Generics, Enum and Varargs method in Java 5 Java 5 introduces Autoboxing, Generics, varargs, and Enum along with several other features and improvement. It's been few years when Java programming language was enhanced with these features but still Java programmer thing Autoboxing, Enum, Generics or Variable arguments as an advanced feature and afraid to learn them. They are very much part of Java fundamentals just like Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism are part of Object-oriented programming concepts. It's important to understand what are these feature and How to use them, even if you don't use them in your code, you may have to work on someone else code which is written in Java 5 and uses Generics Collection, Autoboxing quite frequently. In this Java 5 tutorial, we will see the brief overview of Java 5 features like Generics, Enum, Autoboxing and unboxing and variable arguments methods along with examples and explanations. ...