Learn to create Java application project with maven commands, using interactive and non-interactive modes from command prompt.
1. Maven create Java project with maven non-interactive mode
In non-interactive mode, maven creates a blank java project with all default options. To create this, type below command.
$ mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.howtodoinjava -DartifactId=DemoJavaProject -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode= false |
This command will create a blank java project named DemoJavaProject in workspace. You can choose and use your own application name.
In below image, you can see what all happens when you run above command.
![Maven create java project](https://howtodoinjava.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/maven-create-java-project.png)
You can see in step 2, that Java project created has src folder created and a default pom.xml has also been created for you.
2. Maven create Java project with maven interactive mode
In interactive mode, You just need to start with “
mvn archetype:generate
” and rest of the options will be specified using a wizard which will come one by one.$ mvn archetype:generate |
Lets see what steps comes in wizard:
2.1. mvn archetype:generate
This is default mode. When you type above command, it start the project creation and will stop at where it will ask for archetypeArtifactId. Wizard will present you a list of number to choose from or filter among them (because options list is very long).
2.2. Filtering
It can be done by typing some part of arctetype name e.g. quickstart.
You need to choose option 18 for our simple java project.
2.3. Specify achetype version
Do it as 5 (or your own), and
as “com.howtodoinjava”.2.4. Define artifactId
Do it by desired java project name. Now, there will be some other options and confirmations. Answer them and your project is ready.
You can see that you project is created with default source folder and
This way, if you try your hands a couple of times, you will start liking this approach moreto create